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New Book Releases: March 16, 2021
Each week, I’ll catalog the biggest and most exciting adult and YA fiction — and the occasional nonfiction — coming out that Tuesday.
THE MEMORY COLLECTORS, Kim Neville. Two women with the ability to detect the emotions people leave behind on objects are determined to create a museum of memory using the objects, while learning to control their gifts to prevent it from wielding control over them. Read a Q&A with the author here. “Like the magical objects collected by its protagonists, this novel is emotionally transformative,” writes Kirkus. Bookshop.
THE ART OF WEARING A TRENCH COAT: STORIES, Sergi Pàmies, Adrian Nathan West (translator). A French writer and the son of Spanish political refugees contemplates loss in this collection of short stories. Bookshop.
BODY OF STARS, Laura Maylene Walter. In a world in which a woman’s moles, freckles, and scars are interpreted like constellations to determine their futures, a young woman and her body-interpreter brother learn a secret about their family that will irrevocably change their future. Bookshop.
CREATURES OF PASSAGE, Morowa Yejidé. A taxi driver recovering from her twin brother’s murder and a…